Car insurance is designed to help you save money. However, there are some cases when it may not be best for you to use car insurance. It is important to know when you should and should not use car insurance.
When There Is Another Car involved
You are required to inform your car insurance provider when you hit another car. If you do damage to the other person’s car, then your liability coverage can be used to cover the damages. That is why it is important for you to exchange contact information with the other driver before you leave the scene. If you fail to inform your car insurance, you’ll certainly be hearing about it from them.
Someone Was Injured in a Car Accident
You need to let your insurance company know if someone was hurt in the accident. It doesn’t matter whether it was you, one of your passengers or someone else in another car. Injuries can easily lead to big medical bills. Even if you have health insurance, you may still be forced to pay a lot of money out of pocket. You can use your health insurance to pay for the medical expenses.
The Mishap Only Involves Your Car
There is no need for you to let your insurance company know about the accident if you do not have collision insurance, and no other car was involved. The insurance company won’t pay if you hit something, and you do not have collision insurance. Even if you do have collision insurance, you may want to pay for the damages yourself. Filing a claim can cause your insurance rates to go up.
The Repair Costs Are Less Than Your Deductible
It is a good idea for you to get a quote on auto glass repair. If the cost of getting your auto glass repair is less than your deductible, then it is best for you to pay for the costs out of pocket. You may actually be able to save money by not filing a claim.
Investing in car insurance is wise. However, it is important to know when you should and should not file a claim. You should file a claim if you hit another car, or someone has been injured in a car accident. You may not want to file a claim if you do not have collision insurance or the repair costs are less than the deductible.