Sometimes you go for a massage only because you have had a bad day at work, and you need to relax. Nowadays, this is a normal thing. But for many people, having a massage is not only a matter of relaxation; it is a need. In those cases, we call it therapeutic massage. This is a wide term employed to define some kinds of massages which have the goal to solve a health problem. So, what really defines a massage as therapeutic is its objective.
We can find under the expression “therapeutic massage” a wide diversity of treatments such as deep tissue massage, sports massage, rehabilitation massage, etc. But sometimes, other kinds of massages can be considered as therapeutic.
Today its normal for doctors to indicate a therapeutic massage as part of a recovery process. This prevents the patient from taking unnecessary pills. Pills sometimes create addictions or the developments of side-effects. Therapeutic massage has very few side-effects and are very limited, almost inexistent. In some cases, these massages are vital to achieve a full recovery after a surgery, fall or accident.
Furthermore, therapeutic massages are commonly used for athletes. The high physical charge demands long sessions of recovery focused in specifics body parts or muscles. For them, regular sessions of therapeutic massage are mandatory, especially after and/or before training or competition.
Nevertheless, not only physical problems demand this type of treatment. Psychotherapists also recommend it to their patients, whom are mainly suffering from chronic stress, anxiety and/or depression. Nerve stimulation and improvements in circulation provoke a renovated hormones flow. Massages truly modify the brains performance. And, at the same time, generating changes in psychological aspects. So far, some benefits have been quoted, but there are still others. For example, this massage helps to reduce pain of terminal illnesses. When someone is being affected by a certain conditions, a therapeutic massage is useful in physical and emotional pain.
Therapeutic massage is an activity that helps the human body in several ways. Firstly, it helps people to heal injuries, conditions, etc., simply by itself, plus some therapeutic intervention. Likewise, a non-invasive alternative is always the best way to achieve a full state of well-being. If you have never tried a therapeutic massage and you have a similar problem to those described in this article, do not hesitate to ask to your doctor if this therapy is the right one for you. But either way, therapeutic massage sessions have great benefits and are a great way relax.