Why PMP Exam

Why PMP Exam?

Winning this internationally recognized examination of Project Management knowledge is an indication of project management experience. People with PMPs can earn more than people without PMPs.

Those with PMP can find jobs easier than others. If you do not have basic project management training and no terminology knowledge, you are not ready for the PMP exam. Nearly half of the exam takers fail because they do not have PMI methodology training.

Experiencing real work experience to pass the exam or just reading the PMBOK is not enough. Knowing the PMI terminology is so important that candidates must take the 35-hour methodology training before entering the test. There are several other benefits of PMP certification as well.

Application for examination

PMI application forms must be sent electronically via mail to enter the examination. PMI’s response time is shortened when online applicants are posted at http://www.pmi.org.

In the application forms;

– Experiences in projects and

– Training on project management needs to be specified.

It is important for your application when you spend on projects related to training and Project Management. You can satisfy the PM education by attending a PMP online bootcamp.

PMI Audit

The application can be subject to a validation by PMI. Upon enrollment, applicants are required to sign / certify photocopies of the diplomas of the graduated schools and references on the projects on duty.

The PMI test permits entry after the application has been approved. PMI can enter the test within 1 year from the date the test is approved for entry.

PMP Exam information

In most parts of the world, the PMP exam is conducted online at the computer.The exam takes place at the appointment date given by the Prometric Test Center. The exam fee is set at $ 405 for PMI members and $ 555 for non-members. PMI’s 1 year membership fee is $ 119.

PMP Exam content

PMP exam used in project management

– Your knowledge

– Your skills

– Tools and Techniques

It measures your practical experience and knowledge.

PMP exam consists of 200 multiple choice questions. The duration of the exam is 4 hours.

There is a demonstration to use the 15-minute computer program before the PMP exam. The 15-minute presentation is not included in the 4-hour exam.

Achieving 61% success is necessary to pass the exam (106 out of 175 questions must be true).

PMP Exam points

Three important points regarding the exam should not be ignored:

– This exam does not test the information of the PMBOK book

– You can not trust your project management experience that you only live in real life

– Project management training based on PMBOK knowledge has critical prescription.

You can learn more about PMP certification from Master of Project Academy.

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