Necessary Sanitation Tips and Equipment In The Food Services Industry

Necessary Sanitation Tips and Equipment In The Food Services Industry

The food service industry is wide and varied, and it plays an important role in today’s society. This industry includes restaurants, hotels, fast-food restaurants, cafeterias, and food processing and manufacturing plants, as well as other food service places. Sanitation is vital in each of these places. Preventing foodborne illness protects consumers, but it also protects your business from lawsuits, fines, and other repercussions. These are just a few of the important parts to maintaining a sanitary facility in the food services industry.

Employee Hygiene

You’ve likely seen the signs in restaurant and grocery store bathrooms saying that employees must wash their hands. Employee hygiene is a basic and necessary part of keeping food safe and healthy. It involves such practices as having all employees wash their hands regularly. Employees also need to ensure that head and facial hair is kept away from food. Usually, it’s best to either tie it back or cover it. Finally, all cuts or open wounds should be bandaged and covered. You should also learn about your state’s specific requirements.


To keep food safe for consumption, it needs to be stored properly. Food that isn’t stored properly is at risk of bacteria growth as well as mold and other issues. It’s also more likely to go bad quickly. To prevent this, you should always look up the correct recommendations for whatever food you’re storing. For example, fresh meat should be stored at temperatures between 28 and 32 degrees. Ensuring that ingredients are stored in airtight containers will also help prevent pest problems.


Chemicals are often used for cleaning equipment and surfaces throughout food handling facilities. However, some of these chemicals can contaminate ingredients if they come into contact with them. This can be dangerous for consumers. To prevent this from happening, ensure that chemicals are handled carefully and only used when and where directed. All cleaning chemicals—and other chemicals such as pesticides or polishers—should be clearly labeled and stored in a place separate from where ingredients are stored.


Commercial boilers produce steam, which can be used to heat your facility. It can also be used to help sterilize your facility, your tools, or even your products and containers. However, this means that your boiler needs to be regularly maintained. If it were to break down unexpectedly, the cleanliness and safety of your facility could suffer. To prevent that, schedule regular burner service and other maintenance for your boiler. 

It is essential to have a clean and hygienic food service establishment. Consider these practices, tips, and tools to keep your facility safe for employees and consumers.

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