
How Car Accidents Are Handled in No-Fault States

If you live in a no-fault state, you may have an easier time dealing with the aftermath of an automobile collision. Individuals who live in a no-fault insurance state means that they can work with their own insurance providers to seek financial benefits for the collision, regardless of who was at fault. It is not even necessary for drivers to prove that it was someone else’s fault in order to qualify for the appropriate insurance coverage. In order to get the most out of your coverage, it is vital to cooperate with all professionals on the scene, and to speak with a lawyer immediately in order to get the right legal counsel for your specific situation.

No-Fault Insurance

As of 2022, there are 12 states that provide drivers the opportunity to work with no-fault insurance. These states require their drivers to carry a specific type of car insurance known as personal injury protection insurance, abbreviated as PIP. After a car accident has occurred in a no-fault state, the involved parties will need to file claims according to their own auto insurance providers. Each individual’s PIP insurance will then pay for things like medical expenses and lost wages. In order to have specific property damage covered, individuals may need additional insurance, such as a more comprehensive variety of collision coverage.

At-Fault Insurance

At-fault insurance states, on the other hand, focus on establishing a method of payment and liability based on who is deemed to be the cause of the collision. Insurance companies will decide who is at fault by relying on legal definitions of negligence. What this means is that if the driver has failed to act in a manner that any other reasonable driver would have acted, they may be deemed at-fault, and therefore liable for the accident. Different insurance companies may also work with different systems of liability. Some may use comparative negligence, which assigns percentages of fault based on the drivers involved in the accident. Other companies may assign contributory negligence, which reduces the payout the victim receives based on how their actions contributed what happened.

If you live in a no-fault state and have been involved in automotive accident, it is recommended for you to work with a legal professional to maximize your potential insurance benefits. Legal firms like Smith Morgan, LLP can provide you with the tools you need to plan ahead for your case, helping you take the stress out of an already stressful situation.

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