
Your Complete Guide To A Uterus Removal Surgery

Uterus removal surgery is known as ‘Hysterectomy’. Hysterectomy is performed on women when there are no other modes of treatment available and is a surgical procedure meant to prevent ovarian cancer and various infections. Other internal organs like the cervix, fallopian tubes, and ovaries are removed along with the uterus in this surgical procedure in most cases, rendering women unable to bear children in the future. This surgery is known to affect a woman’s hormonal levels and her overall health.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

You can book a doctor consultation online at the convenience of your home if you feel the need to undergo a surgery. Surgery depends on diagnosis results and if you experience the following symptoms, you may have to go under the knife for the surgery:

Treatment Options

Treatment modes vary based on the extent of hysterectomy performed. Here are the following treatment options for a Uterus Removal Open Surgery:

Surgical Procedure Facts

Surgical procedures vary as well, depending upon various factors in the patients. The degree of blood loss and procedure duration depends on the type of surgical procedure performed. This Surgery involves making incisions in the abdomen and removing the uterus along with the cervix.

Vaginal Hysterectomy involves removing the uterus through the vagina and this takes the least amount of time with the only downside being excessive blood loss and further damage to internal organs.

Thanks to advancement in robotics and artificial intelligence, there’s also Robot-assisted Hysterectomy procedures where robots make precise cuts near the belly region and consume the least amount of time to finish the operation.

Post-Surgery Info

You won’t be able to douche or have sex after a uterus removal surgical procedure for up to six weeks. Regular follow-ups with your gynaecologist are important after the surgery. Your hormonal levels will fluctuate and blood loss through the vagina will continue for weeks after the surgery. Regular use of tampons and sanitary pads is recommended for those who have undergone this procedure. You can book affordable surgery packages online or find out uterus removal operation cost through a doctor consultation and plan accordingly.

Diet and Nutrition

Following a soft-food diet is recommended after a hysterectomy is recommended. In general, raw fruits and vegetables must be avoided since they are hard to digest. Foods which are easy on the intestinal tracts like steamed fish, lean poultry, and steamed foods are recommended. For fruits and vegetables, it is ideal to soften them in a blender and consume as juices or soups. Caffeine and alcohol must be avoided. Avoid consuming foods heavily seasoned with spices, and consult your doctor if you are planning to add high-fiber foods to your diet. For snacking, dairy products like milkshakes and yogurt are ideal for increased calorie needs and overall health.

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