
Restore A Natural Youthful Facial Appearance With Facelift Procedure

Do you have wrinkles behind the eyes and jowls at your jaw line? This is perhaps due to aging. Ageing is unfortunately unavoidable. As people get older, fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging facial skin begins to develop, and they tend to look slightly skeletal as the volume in the face is lost. Fortunately, all these issues can be rectified with the advanced technologies. Apart from aging, exposure to sun and lifestyle choices such as smoking and drinking can also cause the face to show wear and tear of time.

Sono Bello is a reliable leader in the facelift procedures with presence in more than thirty locations nationwide. One can consider a facelift procedure if

So, if any one of these symptoms is present in an individual one should consider the facelift procedure. However, since there are many clinics present across the world, it is very essential to look for the one which is genuine and authentic and uses the scientifically proven methods to assist the patients.

Sono Bello offers both invasive and non-invasive facelift procedures depending on the requirement of the client. The doctors here can also offer a customized solution to meet the specific goals of the client. The facelift procedure does not include general anesthesia; instead include local anesthesia so that the patient does not get post-surgery complications that usually occur due to IV or general anesthesia. The use of localized anesthesia guarantees quick recovery, less discomfort and full relaxation during the procedure.

However, the doctors can prescribe medications for patients in case they complain of discomfort. The surgeons who process the entire facelift procedure are certified, experienced and know how to implement their skill and knowledge in the right way. These physicians use techniques that are approved by FDA such as micro laser technology which helps in improving the production of collagen, fibroblasts and new elastin fibers. All these help in retaining the youthful look of the skin and eliminate fine lines, wrinkles and signs of aging.

However, all patients are not good candidate for facelift procedure especially for the surgical procedure. Patients with past medical history of high blood pressure, diabetes or immune deficiency symptoms require a one-on-one consultation with the doctor. The doctor will diagnose and determine whether a facelift procedure or any alternate procedure is preferable. Sono Bello offers facelift procedures for both men and women as like women men can also develop signs of aging. The procedure helps in erasing the signs of aging and achieving a younger, rejuvenated look. The steps of the procedure are usually the same for both sexes, and both men and women can enjoy exceptional results with facelift procedure.

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