
The Wines Of France Across All Of France

There are many reasons to travel to France, but the sheer vivacity and joy of life in France is often the greatest draw. There are many reasons for this complete zest for life that the French enjoy, from their grand history and architecture to the high culture that they have cultivated over the centuries, from Rene Lalique’s art nouveau and art deco glasswork to the classical works found in the Louvre.

Yet ultimately what drives this joy is what is at the heart of the human experience across the world, something that binds us together as a species and crosses cultural boundaries in a huge, meaningful way: good food and good drink. This is especially the case with French wine, that merriest of drinks.

Yes, sometimes film can make it seem as though the drinking of wine in France is a solemn affair, filled with ceremony and education, wherein the drink itself is not truly enjoyed but rather it is the experience and the pedigree of the wine that is examined in an almost scientific manner. But this is a myth; yes, there are those who would treat wine-drinking as a job, a task, and a work of art, but for most Frenchpersons wine is an essential part of the meal that is to be enjoyed to the fullest.

However, in order to truly enjoy those wines, there is the matter of knowing which wine to have brought to your table while traveling in France in the first place; the best way to gauge a wine’s quality, taste, and composition, is to have an understanding of what its region brings to the table, so to speak! Here are just some of the wine-producing regions in France that you can expect to choose from when you sit down at a French restaurant:

 1. Languedoc

The region of France that produces by far the greatest volume of wine is the Languedoc region. The best known appellation from the region is its Corbieres wines, which, like many of the wines in Languedoc, enjoy rich, full-bodied taste and a high level of alcohol content given the summer given its lengthened summer days which help grapes ripen quickly.

 2. Loire Valley

The Loire Valley produces a number of whites, roses, and pale reds, many of which are considered some of the finest wines produced in France. Whether you are drinking an Anjou Rose, a Muscadet, or a Gros Plant, you can assume that you are getting some of the best wine available in-country. It should be noted that the Loire Valley also does a brisk trade in sparkling wines, and is second only to Champagne in the production of such wines.

 3. Provence

Provence, on the other hand, is primarily well-known for its rose wines, such as the Cotes de Provence and the Coteaux d’Aix. The Provence vineyards also produces red wines, many of which are quite rich in taste. When you drink a Provence wine, you’ll know it!

That concludes our look at the wine-producing regions of France! In truth, it is quite hard to find a region in France that doesn’t produce its own kind of wine, but some rise well above others in terms of quality, taste, and affordability. The next time you’re in one of these regions, be sure to order the regional wine – it is insulting to do otherwise, in fact!

+Mark Boyd is a website content geek with MIND Development and Design, musician and lover of fine wine.  He rants about websites and all on the MIND blog and podcast pages.

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